Simple Post Processing

Here is a quick tutorial on how to process an image on photoshop...

original image

Making image black and white:

This is simply just a case of going to image> adjustments > Black and white, and TA-DA! done.

Black and white image

Altering the black and white image so it is high contrast:

 Again, this is also very simple. Image > adjustments > brightness/contrast. Then, from here, slide the contrast bar up to the top.
High contrast black and white

Altering the saturation:

Yet again, another simple way to process an image to make it more/less vibrant is to alter the saturation.
Image > Adjustments > hue/saturation and then, slide the saturation up or down, for a more colourful  image, slide it up towards the right, or for a less, more washed out image, simply slide it to the left.
High Saturation

Altering exposure

If your image is too dark, you can alter the exposure by going:
and then, repeat playing with the sliders to see what looks nice.
altering exposure

Sometimes the shadows are too dark in an image, you can brighten them up by going to the shadows/highlights option"
and, surprise, surprise.. messing around with the sliders.
altering shadows and highlights.

Adding a colour filter

adding a filter onto a photo is a pretty cool feature. if you want your image to look warm because it was a hot day, or cool if it was chilly you can do this by going to
Image > adjustments > photo filter
and by choosing which filter you would like. i have chosen a blue one for this to make it look colder.
Cooling filter

Adding a colour screen

 To add a brighter type of filter you can go to
>image>adjustments>Channel mixer
and change the sliders...
chanel mixer

 Changing one colour in the image

 If you would like to change one colour to something different, such as making the blacks a different colour you can use selective colour.
>image>adjustments>selective color.
from here you then click on the colour you would like to change in the box that pops up (i picked blacks). once you have done this you then play with the sliders again.

selective color


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